Reviewing the world and Vietnam in 2020?

During 2020, there are numerous events with great concerns about the world and Vietnam. A number of guests of BBC News Vietnamese at the end of the year shared their views. From Kent, UK, BBC World Service journalist Nguyen Giang…
Vietnam intensifies content censorship, suppressing online voices in 2020

In 2020, the Vietnamese party and government continue to increase the pressure on companies with social networking platforms such as Facebook and Youtube to strengthen censorship and remove articles and videos labeled as “anti-state.” Many social network users in Vietnam…
Vietnam: What we need to know about Thu Duc city?

On December 24, the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City and the Ministry of Home Affairs held a meeting of the drafting committee, the editorial team of the draft decree of the Government specifying and guiding the implementation of…
Dong Tam case: inadequacies in land ownership and Vietnamese justice

More than 3 months after some defendants in the hearing trying land petitioners in Dong Tam commune were released, these people said that until now, they are still haunted, panicked, sleepless because of what they experienced during the pre-trial detention.…