Does Vietnam support AUKUS?

The formation of the three-power alliance AUKUS has created different waves of reactions from many countries, even among ASEAN member countries. If the Philippines and Singapore support the tripartite alliance, Indonesia and Malaysia oppose it. Meanwhile, although there is no…
Vietnam’s remittances jump, reaching all-time record

Over $18 billion The World Bank (WB) and international cooperation organization on migrants KNOMAD forecast the number of remittances to Vietnam in 2021 at $18.1 billion, ranking 8th in the world and 3rd in Asia-Pacific. The number of remittances increased…
Democracy Summit: America invites Taiwan, not Vietnam; China is angry

US President Biden’s administration has invited Taiwan to join the “Summit for Democracy” next month, according to a list of participating countries released on Tuesday. This move angered China. The Beijing government has long considered the democratic island of Taiwan…
Pfizer, Merck give production license of anti-COVID-19 pills to Vietnam

Two US pharmaceutical groups, Pfizer and MSD, have agreed to give production licenses of COVID-19 tablets to Vietnamese companies, according to Vietnam’s Ministry of Health. The Drug Administration Department of the Ministry of Health said in a statement that pharmaceutical…