Vietnamese communist chief trying to be as great as “Uncle Ho”

The essence of the Communist regime is to build monuments both literally and figuratively. In addition to building hundreds of Ho Chi Minh monuments throughout Vietnam, they also use propaganda and education to indoctrinate, to create the image of Ho…
Vietnamese communist chief trying to fix regime or destroy it?

Today, the corruption in the ruling Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) is all too obvious. Its officials’ morale has dropped to an unprecedented low. The morality of Communist officials may be worse than that of feudalism. In the past, it…
Chống tham nhũng mà chỉ “đốt lò” thì không hiệu quả

Link Video: Ngày 21/4, RFA Tiếng Việt có bài bình luận về chính trị Việt Nam với tựa đề “Tham nhũng khó giải quyết rốt ráo nếu ông Trọng chỉ chăm “đốt lò””, của tác giả Quốc Phương, một…